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The “Hibrido - Brazilian Videodance Festival” is a totally online festival that embraces the artistic expressions of dance, music and audiovisual. Various audiovisual works selected by directors from around the world are made available to the public at official and parallel exhibitions.

Video dance as an artistic expression is a relatively recent format, with experiments developed mainly in the last decades and with scarce historical records and growing theoretical studies.

Video dance is understood as a hybrid product made with the mixture of dance and audiovisual, having movement as its main element.

Unlike just a video choreographic record, the movement in video dance is created especially for the camera.

The hybridism between audiovisual and dance, inspiration for the name of the festival, is the end result of a harmonious conversation between movement, camera, music and editing.

The main basis of the “Hibrido - Brazilian Videodance Festival” is to foster creations and train audiences for this type of art, exploring not only the format itself, but also its main segments and dialogue between the arts.

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Copyright @ 2021 Directed by João Batista.

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